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General Q&A


Q: where do our clothes come from?

A: We encourage participants to bring their own clothing, as much as they need to redesign. However, do not worry if you do not have any; the event and our organisation will bring some old clothing as well. We will also have all the supplements and tools for design provided, so do not worry if you have none. If you have your own that you are willing to bring, please feel free to do so.


Q: What if I know nothing about designing clothes?

A: If you are participating in an in-person event, do not worry; we will provide a presentation at the start of the event that talks over the design of clothing. We will provide help at the events as well. If you want to do it yourself, we have courses on the "Classes" page on our website with more details for lessons so that customers can learn it themselves. If you know nothing about designing clothes, however, and want to redesign your own clothes, reach out to us on the "Contact" page and mail the clothes to us, and we can do it for you.


What will we do with the products? 

You can choose to bring home the clothing you made in person, keep it yourself, or give it to our organisation. Our organisation will either donate it or give it to others who need this kind of help.

Note: We will donate to various organizations; once you choose to give it to us, it no longer belongs to you, but we can write your name as the designer if you want.


Where is the venue?

We do not have a physics venue yet, we are online, however it is base in BC in Canada. For a personal event, the venue and other detailed information will be shared on the "Project" page. There will be a Google Form for signing up. After signing up, further information and schedules will be provided through email for the event day.

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